Rich dad poor dad
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It was a real delight reading the #1 New York Times bestseller “Rich Dad Poor Dad", the second time. I would like to summarise the few basic points which sir "Robert Kiyosaki" tries to convey, in my own words.
- The poor work for money but the rich make money work for them. Rich don't work for money.
- The rich have assets, the poor have expenses & the middle class have liabilities which they think to be assets.
Real Assets:-
- Businesses that don't require your presence. If you have to work there, it's a job.
- Stocks, bonds, income-generating real estate, royalties from intellectual properties.
- Financial literacy needs knowledge on:-
- Accounting - Analysing business activity and financial information.
- Investing - Money making money.
- Understanding market - Science of supply and demand
- The business law.
- Three types of income in the finance world:-
Ordinary earned- salary. (maximum taxed)
Portfolio- stocks & bonds.
Portfolio- stocks & bonds.
Passive- real estate. (least taxed)
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